Friday, July 10, 2009

NIGHT to REMEMBER...from us (MEG3) to WAWA

wawa with her brithday cake(tiramisu)

our moments begin here...

the Main Menu for the night.....

waa..! AYAM GORENG...

the V.V.I.P

to ustzah Fathiyah, n miss Lieza..thank you for coming and spend some time with us

guys..thanks for treating us..we'll always appreciates it...laek kali bley blnje plak yer..huhuhu

the continous of the continue...

hmm.... (SORRY-SORRY-SORRY) for not updating my blog..
huhuuu.. ok.. because of the request from my lovely-lovely friends to update the blog..
now, I may spend some time to write some new post...hope you all will enjoy it..

OH GOD, please show me the ideas what to write today...(praying)..amin..

hmm.. who's comes next.............
after that special girl( mijah)...
It'll be fair if I "selang-selikan"with boys and girls....
so next should be a boy..
I think I would like to write something about this special boy in our class....
hmm.. name : AIMAT a.ka. AWIE a.ka KUCAI ( latest one that i know)... and nowaday, Qarafi loves to called him "ank bongsu"..

this special boy comes from KELANTAN... maybe that why he's special because he comes from the same place as me....huhuhu..
what suprising me is...He's ex student of MAHAAD MUHAMADI (L) which is a shcool under the kelantan's goverment... I said it suprising me because he when the first time I saw him in our class, he's so totally doesn't have the 'figure' of mahadian..hahaha.. but I don't mean that he's same like the other non-islamic school's student...there's still diffrence..

he's quite silly and naughty like Qarafi..(nie la dua org bdk nakal klas MEG3)...sorry to say that....and he' never leave the 'klantan loghat' when he, he's the one who often tells and teaches the class about the klantan's "SAMAh"... "SRIYA"..hahahuu..
then let me tell you how did he got his (a.k.a) name...
AWIE.. huhuh..(kelakar ak dgr) ..


here's another AWIE in our class.. but the unfomous awie.. and the unrocker awie...hahaha
he's the singer in our class who likes to sing "cinderella story" by taylor swift...huhuhu.. can you imagine that...Awie is singing a romantic song..??? haha.. and his unfamous duet is of course qarafi..who else whould it be? huhuhu....
soo... everyday, our class will always "dipenuhi dgn suara-suara sumbang"... hahahha.. but sometimes it's plesant to hear when you all 'karoke' in class...
BUt actually that is not the reason how he got the name..
one day, which actually I don't remember when.. after we finished our last class for that day, out of the blue, Qarafi suddenly ask Bani,

"Bani, jawab yer atau x?Aimat mcm Awie kn?"
(I can't remember vividly bout the question, but it sound like that lar)

and straightly she answered..

then Bani says ( slowly) to the girls but unluckily Qarafi heared that..
"a'ah lar ad ruper cam awie lar"

then..what more.. of course our class become "kecoh giler" huhuhu..
at first we denied it, but when we look at him more and more,we can accpet it jgk ler.."ad lah kot sket-sket cam awie"..try see yourself larh..n then commeent to me...huhuhu..
lets us vote how many say AIMAT looks like AWIE...
ok, about the other his (a.k.a) did he got the name.. you better ask himself because i really don't know why...

(to be continued) ~ I need to do my assignment plak..